Little Buddies

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General FAQs

Where do all of these cats come from?

  • Most of our animals arrived abandoned and homeless, many are from rural or overpopulated homes, some rescued from kill shelters, and others are from owners who can no longer care for them.

How many adoptions occurred in 2023?

  • We found loving forever homes for more than 260 cats and kittens.

How much does it take to rescue homeless animals and run Little Buddies?

  • Only a small portion of our revenue comes from our adoption fees; the majority of our revenue comes from individual's donations. 
  • General breakdown of the cost to rescue and rehabilitate a homeless cat or kitten.
  • We love our volunteers / foster parents and restrict our staff to the bare minimum in order to devote our resources to helping Little Buddies in need.  

Adoption FAQs

How much are adoption fees?

  • $190 per kitten or cat. That might seem high, but when you consider that it includes most of the costs a cat needs for their first year, it actually less than you would spend for similar services from your vet. We've compiled a breakdown of our cost to rescue and rehabilitate a homeless cat or kitten.

What is included in the adoption fee? 

  • Our adoption fee includes FIV/FeLV testing, age-appropriate vaccines, flea and deworming treatment, combo testing, spay/neuter with our veterinarian and implant of a registered microchip. Medical records will be provided after adoption.

What are your rules for adoption? 

  • You must be at least 21 years of age to apply and be able to provide a safe and loving home.
  • Your current animals must be up to date on rabies/distemper vaccinations and spayed/neutered.
  • Our kittens (6 months and younger) require an appropriate animal companion in the adopter's home (ex: another kitten, cat or cat-friendly dog). 
  • Some of our cats and kittens are a part of a bonded pair, which means they cannot be separated.
  • Adopters are required to sign a binding Adoption Agreement.

If you have any further questions regarding our adoption policies or procedures, please e-mail us at


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