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Interested in Becoming a Foster?

Photo Credit: pexels-sasha-maslova-9646435Fostering is an incredibly rewarding experience. Fostering an animal means providing a temporary home while Little Buddies finds them a permanent home. We do not operate a shelter, so being able to place cats and kittens in a volunteer's home make it possible for us to care for more animals. 

Without these valuable volunteers, we are unable to pull these abandoned animals to safety. Many of our rescues come from unsafe conditions and shelters where they are at high risk of being euthanized. Not only are you directly helping an animal in need, but you also get to witness their transformation firsthand. You get to watch them grow and thrive from the moment they come into your care until the day they are adopted. Knowing that you played a part in giving them a second chance at life is an incredible feeling.

Complete a Foster Application.

In the meantime, you can read more about kitten and cat fostering:




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