Little Buddies

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Basic Cat / Kitten Care and Rehabilitation Includes: Average Cost
Flea/Tick/Ear Mite Treatments $25
De-worming Treatments and Fecal Testing $50-100
Veterinary Wellness Check-ups and Medicines $100+
Vaccinations for Feline Viral Rhinotracheitis, Feline Calicivirus & Feline Panleukopenia (FVR CP) $45+
Feline Leukemia Virus & Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FLV/FIV) Test $50+
Micro-chip, Insertion and National Registration $10-15
Spayed /Neutered Surgery $110-$135+
Total Kitten/Cat Value* $ 390+

* The above estimate is for basic care, it does not include cost of advanced medical treatment or the cost of food, litter, supplements, bedding, toys, transportation, etc. provided by Little Buddies and our volunteer foster parents.

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